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About KU Nurses Association

The KU Nurses Association was founded in 1988 to improve conditions for nurses and patients at the Kansas University Hospital (then the KU Medical Center).  KU Nurses Association nurses strive to improve working conditions and benefits, protect nurses from unfair treatment and discipline, and give staff nurses a voice in the decisions that affect their work environment and the quality of patient care.

KU Nurses Association has been affiliated with the Kansas Association of Public Employees (KAPE);now known as AFTKS, and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) since 1993.  In February 2008, KU Nurses Association became AFT Local 5132.  This change allows KU Nurses Association organizational autonomy while maintaining access to great AFT benefits like life insurance and occupational liability coverage.

KU Nurses Association believes nurses should represent nurses.  KU Nurses Association is constantly working with Hospital administration to improve the lives of nurses, and no one knows the challenges nurses face as well as nurses themselves!  Though KU Nurses Association receives support from AFTKS staff and AFT, much of the work KU Nurses Association does depends on nurses just like you--ordinary members who are dedicated to helping themselves, their colleagues, and their patients.  If you think you're the kind of dedicated nurse KU Nurses Association needs, don't wait--get involved today

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