Though all nurses at KU receive the benefits of KU Nurses Association's contract regardless of membership status, becoming a member provides a much greater level of support and input. Only KU Nurses Association members can elect officers, vote to ratify an agreement or contract, participate in meetings with management, sit on committees or the negotiating team, or otherwise direct KU Nurses Association's goals and priorities.
Though KU Nurses Association represents all bargaining unit employees when the contract is violated, it is only empowered to represent KU Nurses Association members in individual grievances or disputes.
KU Nurses Association membership also comes with a number of benefits, including free life insurance for your first year of membership, $1 million in malpractice coverage, workplace violence insurance, a free subscription to KU Nurses Association's newsletter, and discounted rates on things like Southwest Airlines flights, AT&T phone lines, health insurance, pet insurance, hotels, rental cars, flowers, books, health club memberships, and more! (Click here to read more about member benefits.)
Finally, KU Nurses Association's influence with the Hospital and its ability to improve your workplace are dependent on membership strength. The Hospital takes us more seriously the more united--and protected--we are. KU Nurses Association renegotiates its contract with the Hospital every three years, and the stronger we become, the more we can achieve--not just for ourselves and our families, but for our patients, and the Kansas City community.